
Installing pyLottoSimu should usually be quite easy, as you can simply unpack and run pyLottoSimu in place if you wish to do so.


You’ll need these dependencies to run the program:

  • python - The python programming language along with python-setuptools
  • pyQt5 - Qt5 for Python

build the help

code test

  • pep8 - Python style guide checker
  • pycodestyle - Python style guide checker
  • isort - import sorting and checking tool
  • nose - start nosetests to run the tests

version control system Git

  • Git - Git - distributed version control system

Installing Debian or Ubuntu

First you need to your computer these programs: Python, pyQt5 and version control system git:

# sudo apt-get install python python-pyqt5 python-pyqt5.qtsvg git
# sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pyqt5 python3-pyqt5.qtsvg git

Then you copied the source code of the program on your computer, either download the zip file of the project or download with the version control system:

# git clone

change the directory and run:

cd pyLottoSimu


python lotto.pyw [de|dk|fr|es|it|nl|pl|ru]
python3 lotto.pyw [de|dk|fr|es|it|nl|pl|ru]


Feel free and send a pull request to . If you have an idea, tell it at . Thank you in advance.