Translate ========= .. contents:: GUI Translate ------------- To translate the program or make a translation in your language, insert in the your language code. :: cd pylottosimu pylupdate5 translate your language file: lotto1_xx.ts, and produce the .ts translation files with:: lrelease At Linux should you install the pyqt5-dev-tools to use the *pylupdate5* command and qttools5-dev-tools for the *lrelease*:: apt-get install pyqt5-dev-tools qttools5-dev-tools Documentation Translate ----------------------- this documentation is in English and translated in German, generated by Sphinx_.:: pip install -U Sphinx sphinx-intl mock .. _Sphinx: Extract document’s translatable messages into pot files. As a result, many pot files are generated under _build/locale. With *sphinx-intl* command update the docs/locale/de directory:: cd docs make gettext sphinx-intl update -p _build/locale -l de translate the .po files in ./locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/ and build mo files:: sphinx-intl build To build local the docu in German:: make -e SPHINXOPTS="-D language='de'" html