Quellcode für pylottosimu.lottosystem

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# pyLottoSimu

# Copyright (C) <2012-2019> Markus Hackspacher

# This file is part of pyLottoSimu.

# pyLottoSimu is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# pyLottoSimu is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with pyLottoSimu.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import json
import os

[Doku] class LottoSystemData(object): """ loads predefined lottery systems. And read and write a json file of the data set. Dataset: - name: name of the lottery system, - max_draw: highest number of draw - draw_numbers: number to pick - with_addit: with additional number - sep_addit_numbers: with separate additional number, the additional number are not in the same pot - addit_numbers: additional number to pick - max_addit: highest additional number in the separate pot .. todo:: at program start: look for the right path in the home environ load json and last use lotto .. todo:: if not exits: save the json file in the home .. todo:: program exit: save the last use lotto system """ def __init__(self): self.dirname = '' # try: # self.data = self.readfile() # except: self.data = self.fixdata()
[Doku] def projectpath(self): """ open in the home path and create a direction. :returns: path of the project """ path = os.environ['HOME'] if os.path.exists(path): dirname = os.path.join(self.path, '.pylottosimu') if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.mkdir(dirname) return dirname
[Doku] def writetofile(self): """write lottosystems.json :returns: none""" with open(os.path.join( self.dirname, 'lottosystems.json'), 'w') as outfile: json.dump(self.data, outfile, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
[Doku] def readfile(self): """read lottosystems.json :returns: data""" with open(os.path.join( self.dirname, 'lottosystems.json')) as data_file: data = json.load(data_file) return data
[Doku] @staticmethod def fixdata(): """Data of predefined lottery system. The following are predefined: Lotto Germany (pick 6 out of 49), Lotto Austria (pick 6 out of 45), EuroMillionen, Powerball Lottery US, Mega Millions, Hot Lotto Sizzler If you miss your favorite lottery system than could you add here. :returns: data""" data = [ { 'name': 'Lotto DE', 'max_draw': 49, 'draw_numbers': 6, 'with_addition': False, 'addition_numbers': 0, 'sep_addition_numbers': False, 'max_addition': 0, 'name_addition': 'Superzahl' }, { 'name': 'Lotto AT', 'max_draw': 45, 'draw_numbers': 6, 'with_addition': True, 'addition_numbers': 1, 'sep_addition_numbers': False, 'max_addition': 0, 'name_addition': '' }, { 'name': 'EuroMillionen', 'max_draw': 50, 'draw_numbers': 5, 'with_addition': True, 'addition_numbers': 2, 'sep_addition_numbers': True, 'max_addition': 11, 'name_addition': '' }, { 'name': 'Powerball Lottery US', 'max_draw': 59, 'draw_numbers': 5, 'with_addition': True, 'addition_numbers': 1, 'sep_addition_numbers': True, 'max_addition': 35, 'name_addition': '' }, { "name": "Mega Millions", "max_draw": 56, "draw_numbers": 5, "addition_numbers": 1, "max_addition": 46, "sep_addition_numbers": True, "with_addition": True, 'name_addition': '' }, { "name": "Hot Lotto Sizzler", "max_draw": 19, "draw_numbers": 5, "addition_numbers": 1, "max_addition": 47, "sep_addition_numbers": True, "with_addition": True, 'name_addition': '' } ] return data